Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Gravity Model Definition and Examples
Gravity Model Definition and Examples For decades, social scientists have been using a modified version of Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation to predict the movement of people, information, and commodities between cities and even continents. The gravity model, as social scientists refer to the modified law of gravitation, takes into account the population size of two places and their distance. Since larger places attract people, ideas, and commodities more than smaller places and places closer together have a greater attraction, the gravity model incorporates these two features. The relative strength of a bond between two places is determined by multiplying the population of city A by the population of city B and then dividing the product by the distance between the two cities squared. The Gravity Model Population 1 x Population 2_________________________      distance ² Examples If we compare the bond between the New York and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, we first multiply their 1998 populations (20,124,377 and 15,781,273, respectively) to get 317,588,287,391,921 and then we divide that number by the distance (2462 miles) squared (6,061,444). The result is 52,394,823. We can shorten our math by reducing the numbers to the millions place: 20.12 times 15.78 equals 317.5 and then divide by 6 with a result of 52.9. Now, lets try two metropolitan areas a bit closer: El Paso (Texas) and Tucson (Arizona). We multiply their populations (703,127 and 790,755) to get 556,001,190,885 and then we divide that number by the distance (263 miles) squared (69,169) and the result is 8,038,300. Therefore, the bond between New York and Los Angeles is greater than that of El Paso and Tucson. How about El Paso and Los Angeles? Theyre 712 miles apart, 2.7 times farther than El Paso and Tucson! Well, Los Angeles is so large that it provides a huge gravitational force for El Paso. Their relative force is 21,888,491, a surprising 2.7 times greater than the gravitational force between El Paso and Tucson. While the gravity model was created to anticipate migration between cities (and we can expect that more people migrate between LA and NYC than between El Paso and Tucson), it can also be used to anticipate the traffic between two places, the number of telephone calls, the transportation of goods and mail, and other types of movement between places. The gravity model can also be used to compare the gravitational attraction between two continents, two countries, two states, two counties, or even two neighborhoods within the same city. Some prefer to use the functional distance between cities instead of the actual distance. The functional distance can be the driving distance or can even be flight time between cities. The gravity model was expanded by William J. Reilly in 1931 into Reillys law of retail gravitation to calculate the breaking point between two places where customers will be drawn to one or another of two competing commercial centers. Opponents of the gravity model explain that it can not be confirmed scientifically, that its only based on observation. They also state that the gravity model is an unfair method of predicting movement because its biased toward historic ties and toward the largest population centers. Thus, it can be used to perpetuate the status quo.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Definition of a Myth
The Definition of a Myth Although it may seem obvious, there is no single, simple answer. Here are some of the common ideas and their short-comings. Following these is a look at what folklorists and psychologists/psychoanalysts take the term to mean. Finally, there is a working definition you may find useful. If Its a Silly Story, It Could Be a Myth Everyone knows what a myth is, right? Its a story featuring centaurs, flying pigs or horses, or return trips to the Land of the Dead or Underworld. Classic compilations of myths include Bulfinchs Tales From Mythology and the lesser known Heroes of Greek Mythology, by Charles J. Kingsley. Obviously, you might argue, a myth is a ridiculous story no one really believes. Maybe sometime, long ago, there were people naive enough to have believed in it, but now we know better. Really? Once you start looking carefully at that so-called definition, it falls apart. Think about your own firmly held beliefs. Perhaps you believe a deity spoke to a man through a burning bush (the story of Moses in the Hebrew Bible). Maybe he performed a miracle to make a tiny amount of food feed a multitude (New Testament). How would you feel if someone labeled them as myths? Youd probably argue and very defensively they arent myths. You might admit you cant prove them to unbelievers, but the stories simply arent as fantastic as myth (said with tones indicating disparagement). A vehement denial doesnt prove one way or another that something is or is not a myth, but you could be right. The story of Pandoras box is said to be a myth, but what makes that any different from a Biblical story such as Noahs Ark, that is not necessarily considered a myth by a religious Jew or Christian? Even the disproved legend about the axing of a cherry tree by the perennially truth-telling George Washington may count as a myth. The word myth is used in many contexts, but it doesnt seem to have a single meaning. When discussing myth with others, you should determine what they mean in order to have a common frame of reference and avoid hurting someones feelings (unless, of course, you dont care). Myth Could Be Part of a Religion You Dont Believe In Here is how philosopher and psychiatrist James Kern Feiblemanone defines myth: A religion in which no one any longer believes. What is a myth for one group is truth and part of the cultural identity for another. Myths are stories shared by a group, that are a part of that groups cultural identity- just like family traditions. Most families would be offended to hear their stories described as myths (or lies and tall tales, which probably fit them better than a myth because a family is generally considered smaller than a cultural group). Myth can also be used as a synonym for a despised religious dogma or, as the quotation above says, a religion in which no one any longer believes. Experts Define Myth Putting a value on myth doesnt help matters. Negative and positive descriptions of the content of myth are not definitions and dont even explain very much. Many have tried to define myth, with only limited success. Lets look at an array of definitions from leading philosophers, psychoanalysts, and other thinkers to see how complicated the seemingly simple term myth actually is: Myths are Origins. Myths are often stories of origins, how the world and everything in it came to be in illo tempore. - Eliade.Myths are Dreams. Sometimes myths are public dreams which, like private dreams, emerge from the unconscious mind. - Freud.Myths are Archetypes. Indeed, myths often reveal the archetypes of the collective unconscious. - Jung.Myths are Metaphysical. Myths orient people to the metaphysical dimension, explain the origins and nature of the cosmos, validate social issues, and, on the psychological plane, address themselves to the innermost depths of the psyche. - Campbell.Myths are Proto-Scientific. Some myths are explanatory, being pre-scientific attempts to interpret the natural world. - Frazer.Myths are Sacred histories. Religious myths are sacred histories. - Eliade.Myths are Stories. Myths are both individual and social in scope, but they are first and foremost stories. - Kirk. A Useful Working Definition of Myth From the above-learned definitions, we can see that myths are important stories. Maybe people believe them. Maybe they dont. Their truth value isnt at issue. Approaching, but not quite reaching an adequate, thorough definition of myth is the following: Myths are stories told by people about people: where they come from, how they handle major disasters, how they cope with what they must and how everything will end. If that isnt everything, what else is there?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing a Project Labor Agreement Essay
Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing a Project Labor Agreement - Essay Example So, they can opt to join or not to do so. First, PLA can help in promoting uniformity in the construction sector. Since it requires the constructors to be members of labor unions, it means that it advocates for equality in salaries, wages, overtime, allowances, working hours, benefits, working rules and conditions adhered to while working on the government-sponsored construction projects. This demonstrates how the agreement can be beneficial to all the parties starting from the main constructor, sub-contractor up to the laborers. Besides, it helps in providing assurance to all the involved contractors that the project would be completed within the shortest time possible. It is possible to attain this because the agreement guarantees a steady and reliable of well trained and highly qualified laborers. At the same time, PLA makes the management of such projects much easier because they are properly coordinated and operated under predictable budgets. In addition, PLA helps in making the work to be smoothly carried out without experiencing challenges like conflict, strikes and go slows which are common in non-unionized firms. Since all the contractors have to be members of trade unions, they are obliged to comply with rules and regulations governing their operations (Tuerck, 2010). Because of this, it can be much easier to resolve conflicts and eradicate the cases of strike that might slow down the construction process. Moreover, PLA can e a good thing for the laborers because it ensures that they are properly empowered. It requires the contractors to provide adequate trainings an apprentice programs for certain classes of employees including the minorities, disabled, women, veterans and all the other underprivileged people in the society. By giving such workers an opportunity to acquire training, they can be able to have personal growth and become more useful and valuable employees in the years to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
FILM FORM IN WORLD CINEMA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
FILM FORM IN WORLD CINEMA - Essay Example The cinema in the 1950s represented the true spirit of Africans; it was at the same time that the West believed that Africa was a country with no history. Most of their histories were locked up in small museums in the Western World itself. Something of the same kind is going on today in countries like India, Iran and Iraq. The cinema that emerged in Africa was not just movies made out of passion but was culturally a strong factor to bring the entire history of Africa under one roof.in fact, Frantz Fanon’s work, On National Consciousness, includes the work a poem called ‘African Dawn’, that was later made into a film called ‘Camp D’Thiarove’, by Ousmane Sembe`ne. Then came ‘The Battle of Algiers’, which was made in 1965 which was a highly influential movie by an Italian Director, Gillo Pontecorvo, This was basically a movie about the Algerians who fought against the French in the attempt to break away from the Colonial Yolk in the 1 950’s to 1962. African Movies were at the time influenced by both Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism since almost all art forms including Poetry, Paintings, Art Works and Songs were influenced by the indigenous culture. For once, art was influenced by the nationalistic spirit and it real function instead of mere western aesthetics. The cinema in Africa was known to be ‘militant fighting cinema’, and worked in opposing the dominant imperialistic rule. The Cinema in Africa represents largely the definition of ‘Towards Third Cinema’, they represent their distinct style and form in almost all their works. It is quite a cinema of opposition as counterpoised to the lavish cinema of the First World. As mentioned earlier, the Third World Cinema has thus earned the name ‘An Imperfect Cinema’ (Roy Ames, 1987). Among the Latin American film makers, Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino; both Argentinean film-makers, were the key authors of creating the manifesto of ‘Towards a Third Cinema’ with their Cinema Liberacio`n movement.with time the growth of the manifesto was incredible. The talented duo then went on to make a three part, four hours documentary called, ‘'La Hora de los Hornos' [Hour of the Furnaces]. A lot of films got into severe censorship issues since Argentina was under the military dictatorship (M. T. Martin, 1997). This film exhibited major politico activities which exhibited many militant work that dominated the Latin American Scene. The manifesto majorly saw certain anti-colonial struggles of the third world people. These ideas were heavily borrowed by thinkers such as Marx, Fanon and Mao and were all connected to the populist leader of Argentina, General Per`on (Martin M. T. 1997). Moving back to the Cinema’s of Africa, the threads are quite similar to that of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Two People Who Have Great Influence in My Life Essay Example for Free
Two People Who Have Great Influence in My Life Essay Introduction            I am what I am. Who I am today was the result of my past experiences in life; hence, experiences that are worth remembering for. I am a person of good value and virtue because of these two great people who have influenced and touched my life in a very significant ways. They are the one who really sacrifice a lot just to give me a better future. They molded me as a person of good morals and dignity as well as a person who love and fear God. These two people that have touched my life are my beloved parents, my dad and mom. I owe my life to them and I will not stop thanking God for giving me such wonderful and loving parents. The intents of this paper are: (1) to figure out how my dad and mom influenced my life in different and similar ways and; (2) know deeper what are their contributions in my life. Discussion            My dad is an ideal father to me. When I will have my own family, I would like to be like him. He is a very responsible man. He is very loving and a generous father. He supplies our daily needs and not only that, he always find time to spend quality time with us in spite of his hectic schedules from his work. Every time he got from his work, he frequently brought us presents; they may be small or big but it has great impact in my life because it is not how expensive or cheap the present is but it is the thought that counts. I always hear my father saying â€Å"I love you†to my mother and to us as well. He really shows that we, his family, are very important to him. He treats us every time he receives his salary. I never experience that my father has shouted nor spanked me because of what I did. He disciples my siblings and I in a manner that we will not retaliate because of what he does to us. If I have done something wrong, he just calls me to go to his bedroom so that we can have a talk.            My mom is the most wonderful mother in the whole world. Truly, she is the light in our home. She is a kind of mother that disciplines us firmly yet gentle. She is just like my father because when my siblings and I have done something wrong, she also calls us to go to her bedroom, if ever my dad is not around to disciplines us, and have a short talk. She is a kind of mom who always consoles us if ever we have something that troubles us. She is a good cook too. She sees to it that we have a good and nutritious meal. She never complains in raising us but indeed she finds it a delight, seeing us feed with her love and care.            My mom and dad have brought great impact in my life. My father taught me how to be like a man. He taught me how to play sports, working out and stuff like that. We always have a man to man talk and he told me that when I have my own family in the future, I should care my future family the way he takes care of us. And I am pretty sure that I can be like him because that is the kind of family where I am brought up. Well, if others cannot easily get along with their mom because they are boys, I can sincerely say that I can easily approach and get along with my mom. She always tells me that I should love my neighbors as myself and never take advantage on the weaknesses of others. She also reminds me to be a one woman man in the future, just like my father did. Though they teach me in different ways but they have one common denominator and that is to raise me as a person of good value and dignity. III. Conclusion            To have a very loving father and mother is such a great blessing from God; a blessing that cannot be exchanged with the wealth of this world. These two people are very precious to me and I am not what I am today without their unending love, support and fair discipline.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Narrator’s Attitude in The Pugilist at Rest :: Pugilist at Rest Essays
The Narrator’s Attitude in The Pugilist at Rest         Webster’s Dictionary defines it as a mental position or the feeling one has for oneself. In life our attitudes help define who you are or what you are like. Attitude helps create your personality and how you would react under certain situations. In â€Å"The Pugilist at Rest†Thom Jones tells us of one man’s attitude and how adversity and a disability changed his attitude completely. The narrator’s attitude under goes changes from boot camp, bludgeoning Hey Baby, recon Marine duty and finally obtaining Dostoyevski’s epilepsy from a boxing match.            The narrator of the story undergoes changes in boot camp that will forever change his attitude towards life and his fellow Marines. The story begins by showing a young foolish narrator that only wanted to charge into battle. The narrator wanted to be all he could be and strived to become the best United States Marine Corp soldier the United States has to offer. Jones describes the narrator’s determination and ambitions as, â€Å"Whenever danger appears on the scene, truth and justice will be served as I slip into the green U.S.M.C. utility uniform and become Earth’s greatest hero.†(485). The narrator’s attitude would be altered drastically by a motivating speech that his Sergeant delivered to the boot camp. Jones describes this speech as, â€Å"You men are going off to war, and it’s not a pretty thing,’ etc. & etc., ‘and if Luke the Gook knocks down one of your buddies, a fellow Marine, you are going to risk your life and go in and get that Marine and you are going to bring him out. Not because I said so. No! You are going after that Marine because you are a Marine, a member of the most elite fighting force in the world, and that man out thee who’s gone down is a Marine, and he’s your buddy. He is you brother! Once you are a Marine, you are always a Marine and you will never let another Marine down.’ Etc. & etc.  ‘You can take a Marine out of the Corps but you can’t take the Corps out of a Marine.’ Etc. & etc. At the time it seemed to me a very good speech,
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cinderella Not a Love Story Essay
A very common fairy tale that we have grown up hearing is the story of Cinderella, a poor girl whose dreams of marrying a prince and living happily ever after, finally comes true after many years of wishing upon a star. Individual writers of the â€Å"Cinderella†story may alter the story, but the general concept is always the same. This classic story has been told to millions of children and is known as a great romance. A romance is supposed to have suspense, anticipation, and a deep connection between the two characters that have and/or are falling in love with each other, and Cinderella is none of those. â€Å"Cinderella†is a great rags to riches story, but it is far from a romance. Cinderella is a 17 to 22 year old girl that suffers from an abusive home life. The abuse Cinderella suffers from is mainly verbal; however, some things in the story could defiantly be considered physical abuse. The abusive is inflicted by her two step-sisters and her step-mother. Since Cinderella’s mother died when she was a small child it is assumed that she looks to her step-mother for approval the way young girls look to their mother for approval. Depending on the version of â€Å"Cinderella†you read her father is either dead, or he is a spineless man who does not protect her from her step-mother and step-sisters. Do to the abusive living environment, Cinderella is looking for a way out, like any young girl would be, that is required to do all the house hold chores and is treated poorly. When Cinderella hears about the ball she wants to go, but deep inside her she knows that she will not be allowed. In Charles Perrault’s â€Å"Cinderillon†a fairy godm other appears, that helps Cinderella in going to the ball. Cinderella knows that if she makes a good impression on the prince that he may want to marry her, which would give her a way to escape her horrible living environment. In Perrault’s and may other version of â€Å"Cinderella†the prince and Cinderella dance until midnight they do not engage in any conversation nor do they kiss. They only simple of affection here is that the prince does not allow anyone to cut in there dancing. When the clock sticks midnight Cinderella leaves quickly because all the fairy godmothers magic is about to wear off. Cinderella accidently leaves behind a glass slipper. If Cinderella didn’t lose the glass slipper the story would be over. That does not show true love. The prince vows to marry the women the glass slipper fits. It’s hard to believe that in the whole kingdom that the slipper wouldn’t fit anyone else. A few things to think about here are what would have happened if the slipper did fit another and what if the slipper was not left. It is hard to believe that the prince loves Cinderella if he cannot recognize her without the glass slipper fitting her foot. In modern day that would be like saying that one’s husband cannot recognize her without her makeup on. If you love someone to the point that you want to share your life entire life with them then you should be able to recognize them regardless of minor changes such as dressed-up or just done rolling in the dirt.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Laptops in the Classroom Essay
The essay â€Å"Laptops in the Classroom? No Problem†by Elena Choy, states that banning laptops in the classroom in not the answer. I agree with Choy because with laptops in a classroom, students can access the internet and this is a great tool for research and also a means of communication by using tools like chats, e-mails and forums. With the arrival of the internet we were confronted with new possibilities, challenges and uncertainties in the process of learning and teaching. How can students and teachers adapt to a learning process involving a technology that is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and more challenging? For me, teaching, in a broad context, is to select and organize information in order to transform it into knowledge. Laptops can facilitate individual and group research as well as the exchange of ideas between teachers, their colleagues and their students. Using laptops to access the internet provides students with an exchange of experiences, questions, materials, personal exchanges, both of whom are geographically near and far. Laptops can help teachers to better prepare their class by expanding the ways to teach, to modify the evaluation process and communication with students and colleagues. Choy lists many factors in favor of banning laptops in the classroom: Let me try to give a reasoned statement of my position, a statement that will take account of the contrary position. In fact, I’ll begin with what I take to be the arguments in favor of banning laptops. I believe the chief argument are these: (1) the upraised lids of laptops distract the instructor, and they often prevent the instructor from making eye contact with the students; (2) laptops distract other students, who cannot help but see what is on screens – for instance video games; (3) students who use laptops to take notes overly extensive notes, so they are doing stenography rather than thinking – rather, one might almost say, than paying real attention to the significant content of the course; (4) because they are so busy taking notes, laptops users tend not to participate in whatever discussion there may be in the course because they are too busy taking notes (Choy 272). Teachers need to be prepared to use laptops and new technologies in the classroom, because this will increase the performance of students and overcome their difficulties and the idea to â€Å"Ban laptops chiefly comes not from students but from professors [because] they are disturbed by the lack of â€Å"eye-contact†(Choy 273). Working with paper and pencil with student in the 21st century creates conflicts and in some situations can lead the student and teacher to reflect on and question the pedagogical practices, enabling a change in attitude of the teacher. For me, I believe that the ideal learning environment is one in which subject and object is in constant change, allowing the construction of knowledge of both. Currently there are several learning environments that are being developed and supported this interaction between the students and teachers like, and may be used both in classroom situations, so as to support all actions taken by teachers during the teaching process, as the record their difficulties, doubts, discussions, opinions, allowing them a constant construction and reconstruction of their actions and the teaching clues to its interventions. The technology used in school should be facing real problems and difficulties of the majority in order to improve the quality of education, linked to the objectives and principles of the â€Å"old school†ways of teaching. Society is increasingly technological every day and it is necessary to reform the school and the education in order to educated the student to master the new language used by the computer as well as the need for the teacher to perfect these new techniques. Choy states that there will come a day that may jeopardize the future of the relationship between the professor and the student. I come to a dangerous point, I think that the chief reason instructors suggest that laptops be banned is one that they fear that most students who use laptops are not taking notes, but are engaged in activities unrelated to the course – instant messaging, e-mailing, shopping, palying poker and so on (Choy 274). Unfortunately many teachers still do not know how to use the laptops; the first step is to learn how to do this because â€Å"if the instructor is so boring that that students use laptops to shop and to write letters, well when the laptops are banned the students will probably bring in crossword puzzles or exercises from other courses†(Choy 274) than something is wrong with the teacher. One must know what he can do, and then what to do with it. This does not mean that we know everything about laptops. First it is necessary to have certain knowledge with the most frequently used features such as the text editor, because the rest are learning a little bit every day. Also, learn to send and receive emails and surf the internet to know are prerequisites for anyone who wants to use the laptop in the classroom and learn to integrate the laptops as part of their lesson, in this way they can engage the students and keep their attention. We must remember that the laptop in the classroom will not replace teachers; it will only help the student in several ways, transforming the classroom into a stimulating and attractive environment for students to develop their reasoning and creativity, thus contributing to helping them become autonomous learners. To make good use of the laptop in the classroom, the teacher must prepare and plan their activities with the students so that the result of this proposed work is achieved with this new technology.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5 New Years Resolutions Mark Zuckerberg Made That Can Inspire You
5 New Years Resolutions Mark Zuckerberg Made That Can Inspire You By any stretch, Mark Zuckerberg is one successful guy. He has more money than most of us can even conceive of, he spends a lot of that money and time on philanthropic efforts, and- oh yeah- he runs the biggest social networking company in the world. Yet even from his vantage point at the top of the world, there’s room for self-improvement. Zuckerberg has made some strong New Year’s resolutions in the past. And although they may be a little extreme for someone with more modest means and less time available, we can learn a lot from his approach.Here are some of his past years’ resolutions (or â€Å"challenges†), and what we can take from them.1. â€Å"Learning to speak Mandarin.†Becoming fluent in a challenging language may not be super-accessible to someone juggling a job, a family, and daily obligations without a full-time language tutor. But you can certainly find time to learn a new skill this year.2. â€Å"Writing a thank you note each day to so meone who made the world better.†If you have time to write a flowery thank you note to Gandhi or Elvis every day this year, great. If you don’t, just saying â€Å"thank you†to someone each day is great, too. You could make a coworker’s day by thanking him for something that might ordinarily go unnoticed. Being thankful for the smaller things (even when bigger things are going wrong) might also help you feel less stressed at work.3. â€Å"Being a vegetarian (or only eating meat if I killed the animal myself).†Again, this one could be a very large commitment, depending on how much you love bacon. But really, it could be any healthy habit that makes you more mindful. Maybe it’s 10 minutes of yoga at lunch. Maybe it’s going to a spin class after work to decompress. This one could also be about self-accountability and embracing the choices you make in the workplace, instead of looking for the nearest coworker to throw under the bus.4. à ¢â‚¬Å"Wearing a tie every day.†When I saw this one, I thought of the old adage, â€Å"dress for the job you want.†Even as society and workplaces have gotten more casual, there’s some merit in this one. Taking an extra step to look good for work can make you feel sharper and more ready for the day.5. â€Å"Meeting one new person who doesn’t work at Facebook every day.†This challenge is about building your network, social and professional. Getting out there and making connections is one of the best things you can do to make your year brighter. Best case, you’ve created relationships that could take your career to the next level. Worst case, you’ve widened your world a little bit.So what do you think? Are you up for these challenges, or ones like them?This article is part of Bulk Up Your Career in 2017 campaign. Access the entire guide here to help you succeed in 2017.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Beneficios de los indocumentados en California
Beneficios de los indocumentados en California El estado de California es el que cuenta con un mayor nà ºmero de inmigrantes indocumentados. Reconociendo este hecho, a lo largo de los aà ±os ha aprobado leyes que reconocen derechos y beneficios a estos miembros de su comunidad. Licencia de manejar Los indocumentados que pueden probar residencia en California pueden solicitar una licencia de manejar. Este documento, junto con la matrà cula consular, son importantes a la hora de probar la identificacià ³n de una persona. Sin embargo, este à ºltimo debe llevarse con precaucià ³n en los lugares en los que sugerir que se est en EE.UU. en situacià ³n de indocumentado puede ser peligroso. Licencias profesionales La ley que se conoce como Senate Bill 1159 establece que los indocumentados tienen derecho a sacar licencias profesionales para desarrollar sus profesiones, como por ejemplo, dentista, enfermera, etc. Esta ley es consecuencia de la lucha de Sergio Garcà a, quien ganà ³ el reconocimiento de la Corte Suprema de California para obtener la licencia de abogado. Ayudas para los estudios universitarios La California Dream Act autoriza a que los estudiantes indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos antes de cumplir los 16 aà ±os de edad a que puedan beneficiarse de becas pagadas con fondos pà ºblicos y a pagar in state tuition en las universidades pà ºblicas. Asimismo, el State Dream Loan Program ha creado fondos para que los indocumentados que estudian en uno de los dos sistemas de universidades pà ºblicas de California tengan acceso a prà ©stamos. Por ley no pueden beneficiarse de prà ©stamos federales y tambià ©n estn excluidos de la mayorà a otorgado por organizaciones privadas. Tambià ©n pueden beneficiarse de becas, esto à ºltimo al igual que ocurre en el resto de Estados Unidos. Y, si no obtienen suficientes recursos econà ³micos pueden considerar la opcià ³n de comenzar sus estudios universitarios en un colegio comunitario. En los siguientes artà culso se brinda informacià ³n sobre ello: Las ventajas de estudiar en un Community CollegeBecas para Dreamers13 universidades de à ©lite que becan a estudiantes internacionales e indocumentados Ciudades Santuario California es el estado con ms ciudades santuario. En ellas, las autoridades locales no preguntan sobre el estatus migratorio de las personas con lo que no hay distinciones entre ciudadanos americanos, residentes permanentes e indocumentados a la hora de calificar por ciertos beneficios. Este es el listado de ciudades santuario en California. Salud Por ley los inmigrantes indocumentados no pueden beneficiarse de Obamacare (ACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), ni siquiera los muchachos a los que se les ha aprobado la Accià ³n Diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asimismo por ley no pueden beneficiarse de programas de salud financiados con fondos pà ºblicos, esto hace que en la mayorà a de los estados en USA no puedan tener derecho a Medicaid. Sin embargo la situacià ³n es distinta en California ya que todos los fondos proceden del estado. Asà : Sin embargo jà ³venes con DACA podrà an enrolarse en Medi-Cal (el Medicaid de California), si tienen pocos recursos econà ³micos. Adems, algunos condados brindan asistencia sanitaria a su poblacià ³n ms vulnerable sin importar el estatus legal. Y a partir de mayo de 2016 se ampliar Medi-Cal para cubrir a indocumentados de escasos recursos econà ³micos. En el campo de la cobertura sanitaria en todo Estados Unidos el programa WIC brinda ayuda a la nutricià ³n a mujeres embarazadas o lactantes y los bebà ©s e infantes, sin que importe el estado migratorio. Y las salas de emergencia de los hospitales (ER) tienen obligacià ³n de aceptar los pacientes cuyas vidas corran peligro hasta que se estabilizan, aunque no tengan papeles, seguro mà ©dico o tarjetas de crà ©dito. Ayuda econà ³mica para asesorà a legal Por ley, el estado de California ha dado $3 millones a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que brindan ayuda legal a los menores centroamericanos detenidos en la frontera. Derechos laborales Este es el salario mà nimo que aplica a nivel federal y en cada estado, incluido California. Los indocumentados tambià ©n tienen derecho a que se le respete. Y esto es lo que se puede hacer en casos de abusos. Adems, al igual que en el resto de Estados Unidos, las và ctimas de fraudes migratorios pueden reportarlos. PRUCOL Los inmigrantes indocumentados en estatus PRUCOL pueden obtener en el estado de California acceso a ms beneficios. Disfrutar California En el sur de California se encuentra Disneyland, estas son 7 recomendaciones para comprar boletos ms baratos. A tener en cuenta A veces la vida en Estados Unidos puede ser muy dura. Si has tenido pensamientos suicidas o sabes de quià ©n los tiene, por favor, solicitar ayuda gratis y en espaà ±ol. No importa el estatus migratorio. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
English Legal System and Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English Legal System and Skills - Essay Example n her statement, Rose says that she did not suspect that her brother was doing anything criminal, but that she had become wary of the kinds of people he was keeping company with at the gym. Rose must realize that if this suspicion about the kind of people her brother was keeping can be related the criminal act of the money. In Regina v Da Silva (2006)1, the court held that suspicion does not necessarily have to be knowledge ad that if there was a small doubt, this can be counted as suspicion. Rose can however feel safe as long as she can prove that due to her brothers good job, she never suspected that he could be involved in such a case and that it was also possible that he could afford that kind of money. Sarah may have a criminal responsibility of aiding and abetting crime, according to section 93A (1)(a) of the criminal justice act 1988 UK. It is clear that she was aware that her uncle John was having financial issues at the time and that he was desperate to resolve his problems. It can be argued that since Sarah knew that her uncle was having financial problems and that she was in charge of a charity, and this can be said to have been enough ground for a reasonable person to suspect that something was wrong. She could also have questioned the motive of her uncle requiring her to keep the money for her instead of him keeping in his bank account. In Regina v Da Silva (2006)2, the court held that the appellant was guilty because she had enough grounds to suspect that her husband was having criminal activity or that the money that was being deposited in her account by her husband had been acquired illegally. The same case can be applied in Sarah’s case because she must have sus pected that her uncle who was going through financial problems could not have acquired the money in proper
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