Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Supply Chain Network Provides Flexibility For Users
different departments in Almost 21 and its members in the supply-chain network provides flexibility for users to deliver and analyze information to construct a regime to serve customers in a more effective way. For example, Almost 21 might need information from distributors to identify the sales of its design to make pricing adjustment to its product. This approach greatly reduces time to receive the physical documents and therefore allows Almost 21 to make speedy response to the targeted market. From a CRM perspective, the interrelated databases and customers’ participation in the development of data sets up an image that the company emphasizes the significance of customer opinions which helps to develop a long-term relationship with the†¦show more content†¦92-93). From figure 5 and 6, data mining techniques compliment with queries helps to find hidden relationships in the data marts in order to find customer preferences and suggest customized advertisements (Faria 2012, p. 255-256). As a result of acquisition, expansion and business nature, Almost 21 requires to do substantial analytical works in order to source complex data relationships within different customer segments such as the relation of spending behavior against age groups and the relation of product sales against age groups. Therefore, BI applications aims to help supply chain planners to implement product mix decisions which refers to the process of choosing the right product options to the customers for sale (Chowdhury Das 2012, p. 219). Additionally, BI applications advance the performance of Almost 21’s SCM and CRM. From a SCM perspective, the transparency of data, the availability of data mining and OLAP in data warehouse help to construct a more customized product and strengthen the supplier-suppler relationship. Hence, the BI applications facilitate the coordination and decision-making process in the supply-chain network, which in turn benefits the end-users. For example, Zara is a successful firm which had short lead times for new fashion idea because of its comprehensive data analysis, design and product management (Walter 2013). Furthermore, the BI applications help companies to
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Study Competition In The UK Ice Market Coursework
Essays on Competition in the UK Ice Market Coursework The paper "Competition in the UK Ice Market" is a brilliant example of coursework on marketing. The Ice Cream industry in the UK market is so competitive in nature by the last decades. It is seen that a scale monopoly situation exists in favor of Birds Eye Wall's Ltd (BEW), a subsidiary of Unilever, which accounts for around two-thirds of the wrapped impulse market and over half of the total impulse market as defined in our terms of reference. We also found that a complex monopoly situation exists in favor of BEW, Nestle UK Ltd and Mars UK Ltd, which between them accounted in 1992 for 88 percent of sales of wrapped impulse products and a lesser but still very large share of the market for all reference products.Ice cream sales in the UK were worth about  £785 million at retail prices,  £275 million of which comprised reference products. These were mostly wrapped impulse products, the market for which is characterized by a high level of branding, and of associated advertising e xpenditure. Unlike other impulse products such as confectionery, impulse ice cream needs refrigerated storage and transport and a freezer cabinet at the point of sale, not merely as a display device but as an essential piece of equipment that has limited capacity and without which the product cannot be stocked at all. Effective distribution is a key aspect of competition, particularly because demand is not only seasonal but subject to extreme short-term fluctuations as the weather changes. Importance was attached also, by both companies; to the assurance, exclusivity gave of economic drop sizes, effective display, and quality control. (Victorian London - Publications - Social Investigation/Journalism - London Labour and the London Poor; 1851, 1861-2; Henry Mayhew, The Victorian Dictionary, compiled by Lee Jackson,, an internet web site.)The market has changed significantly since 1990. Earlier, Wall's and Lyons Maid shared between them all but a small p art of the market. Thereafter the market share of Lyons Maid significantly declined notwithstanding its insistence on freezer exclusivity whilst that of Wall's increased. Mars entered the market in 1989 with a new product relying on quality and an established confectionery reputation. In four years, Mars ice cream achieved representation in about 50 percent of outlets and a market share of about 16 percent in wrapped impulse products in which at least 20 percent in the chocolate bar sector. Mars, like Treats Ice Cream Ltd (Treats), the next largest supplier, drew attention to the effects on the market of the degree of vertical integration achieved by BEW as a result of freezer exclusivity operating in conjunction with its distribution system through concession.Part 2- THE SWOPT ANALYSISBy the time, during the years of operations, BEW, Nestle and Mars seem to have achieved a great deal. However, it appears that much more can be achieved with the kind of resources.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Critical Essay On Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Moriarty Example For Students
Critical Essay On Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Moriarty Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses many literary devices to convey an impression of suspense and mystery. They are placed throughout the story to ensure that the reader is always guessing as to what happens next. The primary device that Doyle uses is a combination of melodrama and academic writing. The latter is used in abundance with touches of the former to ensure that the reader is not put off at any point. Furthermore, it ensures a sense of realism which makes the mystery much more intense. Doyles academic style can be seen from the very first sentence of the story when he states: Of all the problems, which have been to my friend Mr Sherlock Holmes for solutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Coupled with academic writing is understatement when he writes, At the time the circumstances made a deep impression upon me, and the lapse of two years has hardly served to weaken the effect. Melodrama can be observed from the statement, was so strange in its inception and so dramatic in its detailsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Throughout the beginning of the story the credibility of the narrator, Dr Watson, is built up to ensure a relationship of trust between him and the reader. This means that everything he says is instantly believable and this amplifies the mystery and suspense. An example of this is: My practice had steadily increased, and as I happened to live at no very great distance from Paddington Station, I got a few patients from among the officials. Here you can see that Doyle is emphasising Watsons profession. The reader is given the impression that because Watson is a doctor he can be trusted. Furthermore, the reader knows that hes not going to dramatise the events. To ensure that the mystery itself is properly described, no detail is left out and this creates vivid images. The horrific details that Doyle puts across are not dampened in any way and this makes the story seem more believable. He goes to great lengths to describe everything so that a full picture can be constructed without leaving anything to the imagination. Whilst this is a fairly aggressive way of treating the reader, it ensures that he or she sees the story in exactly the right way. It also emphasises the feeling of trust for the narrator since hes sharing so many details. Since the details are so unbelievable in themselves, Doyle ensures that the storyteller, the engineer, tells his story rationally, which ensures its believability. An example of this is the following, rather modest, paragraph spoken by the engineer: Oh, no; not now. I shall have to tell my tale to the police; but, between ourselves, if it were not for the convincing evidence of this wound of mine, I should be surprised if they believed my statement, for it is a very extraordinary one, and I have not much in the way of proof with which to back it up. And, even if they believe me, the clues which I can give them are so vague that it is a question whether justice will be done. In order to further amplify this image created by Doyle, conversation is short, sharp and factual to make sure that only facts are conveyed to the reader so that he or she can make up his or her own mind about whats happening. Doyle doesnt force his opinions on them and this makes it more realistic. An example of this type of conversation is this exchange between Holmes and the engineer: One horse? interjected Holmes. Yes, only one. Did you observe the colour? Yes, I saw it by the sidelights when I was stepping into the carriage. It was chestnut. Tired-looking or fresh? Oh, fresh and glossy. 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Pray continue your most interesting statement. This is another example of the factual nature that the conversations take. The engineer seems to be telling everything he knows and this makes him much more believable. The very detailed description of the events has another effect. It very gradually builds up the suspense and the reader is allowed to wonder what the mystery could be and what could be so unusual. The engineers statement is greatly lengthened as much as possible to ensure that this happens effectively. The intrigue of this story is supplemented by the odd contrasts between the characters. On the side of the engineer, there is a very respectable professional man, Dr. Watson, who is a stark contrast to the quirky and abnormal private detective, Sherlock Holmes. This quirkiness, that is so unique to Holmes character, adds a further level of realism to the story because its a twist that ensures the story is not two-dimensional. A flat story, that has no abnormalities or odd occurrences and characters, is a boring story. Holmes character ensures that that is not the fate of this story and it gives softens the reader for what oddities are to come towards to end of the book. As was mentioned previously, the engineers statement is lengthened as much as long as possible. It is also riddled with dramatic pauses to build up the suspense even more. A good example of this is the quoted exchange above. It breaks up an otherwise lengthy explanation and increases the suspense by making the reader want to return to the explanation. Lastly, the character of the Colonel Lysander Stark must be discussed. The name in itself gives a sense of intrigue. The reader is at once put on edge about his demeanour. One is at once reminded of a stereotypical colonel, a cruel harsh person with militaristic cruelty at heart. He is depicted as a model villain. He has a German accent, which was and still is a very common nationality for stereotypical villains of stories such as this. From the very beginning, he is described as emaciated, paranormal and above all inhuman the image of death. These qualities can be seen from Doyles description of Stark: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a man rather over the middle size but of an exceeding thinness. I do not think that I have ever seen so thin a man. His whole face sharpened away into nose and chin, and the skin of his cheeks was drawn quite tense over his outstanding bones. Yet this emaciation seemed to be his natural habit, and due to no disease, for his eye was bright, his step brisk, and his bearing assured. In conclusion, I will say that using all these devices, Doyle successfully builds up curiosity and hence mystery and intrigue. Using little but heavy description, he is able to build up a powerful image that has the ability to shock the reader into submission. It is, for the most part, instantly believable and this serves the purpose of lulling the reader into a false sense of security. When the whole truth is finally revealed it is ever more vivid and much more successful in entertaining the reader.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mezirows Theory of Perspective Transformation free essay sample
Mezirow’s process of perspective transformation is often illustrated as linear, additionally; Mezirow characterized ten phases starting with disorienting dilemma and ending with perspective transformation (Mezirow, 1990). Understanding the transformative learning and the disorientating dilemma helps adults appreciate and understand Mezirow’s theory of perspective transformation. The start of my transformation begins with an experience. For example, an experience that I encountered was this past May after graduating from Immaculata University under-graduate program. My disorienting dilemmas begins with choosing the continuation of my education to pursue a Master’s Degree or begin the long and tedious process of job seeking and interviewing in a bleak economy. I believe that my decision is life altering and will only help me pursue a flourishing life. Evidence from Mezirow’s theory and the phases of transformative learning suggests that my dilemma falls under the first process of a disorienting dilemma (Anonymous, n. d. ). After graduation I had a few months to figure out a strategy and implement my plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Mezirows Theory of Perspective Transformation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While exploring my options and figuring out a plan I became struck with fear, this fear came from the â€Å"unknown†of my future. To overcome my fear of the â€Å"unknown†I first self-examine who I am. I needed to get a better idea of who I am today and who I want to be tomorrow. After I made my decision to go back to school I began to talk more and more about graduate school with my family and close friends. Once the discussion of me going back to school began, I started to hear about other’s pursuing a graduate degree all around me. For example I play basketball locally in two different leagues. Most of the teams are composed of collage or recently graduated students. After I told my friends in the basketball leagues about my plans of going back to school a few of them also stated that they were applying or already enrolled for graduate school. Hearing other’s committing to furthering their education and the process of enrolling helped calm the fear I had deep inside. Further reassurance was added that others also shared in common the same transformation that I was tackling. This shared transformation between friends falls under Mezirow fourth phase (Anonymous, n. d. ) Once I overcame my fear of the â€Å"unknown†I started to initiate my plan of action which falls under the sixth stage of Mezirow’s theory (Anonymous, n. d. ). My plan started with looking at local schools in the area with either an MBA or MA program in Marketing or Leadership studies. I looked at a few specific schools such as West Chester, Widener, and Immaculata University’s. After researching these schools I applied to them and waited to hear back for good news. Unfortunately I did not get into my first choice of Widener because I was 70 points short of the requirement for my g-mat score. However, I did get accepted into West Chester and Immaculata. After I had gotten accepted into graduate school I felt a sigh of relief that I had accomplished my goal of starting the new path to further my education. When I entered into graduate school this was a completely new experience as well as a new role for myself. I wanted to build up my self-confidence in my new roles and environment to reach my upmost potential. Building up my self-confidence was tough at first but I began to slowly overcome this from the support of my family, classmates, and professors. Progress was slow at first because of the â€Å"unknown†that I was dealing with in a new program and environment. Once I got over my first road bump I really started to take off with self-confidence which falls under Mezirow’s ninth phase (Anonymous, n. d. ). The last phase of Mezirow’s theory is the action of the final component of the transformative learning process (Merriam, Caffarella, Baumgartner, 2007). When I was dealt with my disorientating dilemma I took a delayed action to retort my options and plan. After reality set in that now is the time to make my transformation this was the end of a new beginning. My action to follow through with my choice to further my education is based off of my new found perspective from my disorientating dilemma and Mezirow’s ten phases of transformational learning.
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