Sunday, October 20, 2019
Examples of Diacritical Marks
Examples of Diacritical Marks In phonetics, a diacritical mark is a glyph- or symbol- added to a letter that alters its sense, function, or pronunciation. It is also known as a diacritic or an accent mark. A diacritical mark is a point, sign, or squiggle added or attached to a letter or character to indicate appropriate stress, special pronunciation, or unusual sounds not common in the Roman alphabet, according to L. Kip Wheeler, a professor at Carson-Newman University in Tennessee. Purpose While diacritical marks are more common in foreign languages, you do encounter them quite often in English. For example, diacritics are often used with certain French loanwords, words that are imported into one language from another language. Cafà © and clichà ©Ã‚ are loanwords from French that contain a diacritical mark called an acute accent, which helps indicate how the final e is pronounced. Diacritical marks are used in dozens of other foreign languages, including Afrikaans, Arabic, Hebrew, Filipino, Finnish, Greek, Galician, Irish, Italian, Spanish, and Welsh. These marks can change not only the pronunciation but also the meaning of a word. One example in English is rà ©sumà © or resumà © versus resume. The first two terms are nouns that mean curriculum vitae, while the second is a verb meaning to return to or begin again. Diacritical Marks in English There are literally dozens of diacritical marks, but it is helpful to learn the basic diacritics in English, as well as their functions. Some of the marks and explanations are adapted from a list of diacritical marks created by Professor Wheeler. Diacritical Mark Purpose Examples Acute accent Used with certain French loanwords cafà ©, clichà © Apostrophe * Indicates possession or the omission of a letter children's, don't Cedilla Attached to the bottom of the letter c in French loanwords, indicating a soft c faà §ade Circumflex accent Indicates reduced primary stress à ©levtor à ´pertor Diaeresis or Umlaut Used with certain names and words as a guide to pronunciation Chloà «, Brontà «, coà ¶perate, naà ¯ve Grave accent Occasionally used in poetry to indicate that a normally silent vowel should be pronounced learnà ¨d Macron or Stress Mark A dictionary notation to signify "long" vowel sounds pÄ dÄ for payday Tilde In Spanish loan words, the tilde indicates a /y/ sound added to a consonant. caà ±on or pià ±a colada Tilde In Portuguese loanwords, the tilde indicates nasalized vowels. So Paulo *Because marks of punctuation arent added to letters, theyre generally not regarded as diacritics. However, an exception is sometimes made for apostrophes. Examples of Diacritics Diacritical marks are plentiful in English-language articles and books. Writers and lexicographers have used the marks to great advantage over the years as these examples show: Acute accent: Feluda handed over the blue attachà © case before he sat down.- Satyajit Ray, The Complete Adventures of Feluda Apostrophe: Lets go down to my house and have some more fun, Nancy said. Mother wont let us, I said. Its too late now. Dont bother her, Nancy said.- William Faulkner, That Evening Sun Go Down. The American Mercury, 1931 Diaeresis or Umlaut: Five young activists were voted into office, bringing political validation to a youth-driven movement dismissed by establishment elders as naà ¯ve, unschooled, and untenable.- Youthquake. Time,  Oct. 6, 2016 Grave accent: Margret stood in her chamber;Shed sewn a silken seam.She lookà ¨d east an she lookà ¨d west,An she saw those woods grow green.Tam Lin, The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads Macron: neighbornoun  neigh ·bor  \ˈnÄ -bÉ™r\- Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed., 2009 Diacritics in Foreign Languages As noted, there are literally dozens of diacritical marks in foreign languages. Wheeler gives these examples: Swedish and Norse words may also use the circle marking above certain vowels (à ¥), and Czechoslovakian words may use the hacek (ˆ), a wedge-shaped symbol to indicate a ch sound as in English chill. But unless you learn- or at least develop a proficiency- in those languages, you wont know how to read the words and letters altered by diacritical marks. You should, however, learn where these marks have become common in English- and where they have been dropped, notes Shelley Townsend-Hudson in The Christian Writers Manual of Style. It can be tricky to know when to retain the diacritical marks, she says: The language is in flux. It is becoming more common, for example, to see the acute accent and diacritics being dropped from the words clichà ©, cafà ©, and naà ¯ve- thus, cliche, cafe, and naive. But dropping diacritical marks can change the meaning of a word. Townsend-Hudson argues that in many cases you should retain these crucial marks, particularly various accents, to ensure you are referring to the correct word, such as pà ¢tà ©Ã‚ instead of pate: The first use means a spread of finely chopped or pureed seasoned meat, while the second refers the crown of the head- certainly a great difference in meaning. Diacritical marks are also important when you are referring to foreign place names, such as So Paulo, Gà ¶ttingen, and Cà ³rdoba and personal names such as Salvador Dalà , Molià ¨re, and Karel ÄÅ'apek, she notes. Understanding diacritical marks is the key, then, to correctly identifying and even using many of the foreign words that have migrated into the English language.
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